John Varriano American Artist


New York Rapture Oil Paintings

City Life

John Varriano, American Artist

John Varriano, American Artist takes us on an introspective journey into the psychological depths of city people as he immortalizes the mood, personality and drama of the city's wealthy elite, urban dwellers, workers and inner city inhabitants. From the alleys and alcoves, to the side streets, main streets and avenues Varriano’s acute sensitivity of his subject matter coupled with his bold use of paint creates an exquisite “telling” of the glitz and grit that makes New York one of the most fascinating cities in the world. 

An artist adept with diverse mediums, Varriano chose oil paint for this body of work owing to its receptive qualities. The tactility of the paint lends to the expressive depiction of textures such as flesh and fabric, concrete and wood, plastic and steel, glass and paper; all prominent components of city life. The scale of his pieces range from demure to grand, with copious compositions as small as 16 x 20 inches and meticulously orchestrated fugues measuring 8 feet in height. 

John Varriano's City Life Oil Painting Titled,

    City Life


New York Rapture Paintings

City Life

86th Street Rush  | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
86th Street Rush | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
Subway Jazz  | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
Subway Jazz | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
The Trumpet Player | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
The Trumpet Player | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
Into The City | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
Into The City | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
Ascension  | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
Ascension  | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
Newsstand | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
Newsstand | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
The Dog Walkers | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
The Dog Walkers | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
Road Menders | Figurative Work In Progress by John Varriano
Tuesday In The Park | Figurative Work In Progress by John Varriano

The love and Labor of Creation

Something divine and sublime takes place between American Artist John Varriano and his subjects. Even in the raw stages of development, each painting is ensouled with a unique quality that causes the viewer to transcend their ordinary perception of seeing and knowing. 

Trench Coat | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
The Professor | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
Menges Family | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
Menges Family | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
Silent Music | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
Watering Can | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
Eggplants | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
The Dog Walkers | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
86th Street Rush | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
86th Street Rush |  Figurative Oil Painting In Situ
Subway Jazz | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
Subway Jazz |  Figurative Oil Painting In Situ
The Trumpet Player | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
The Trumpet Player | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
Into The City | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
Into The City | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
Into The City | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
Ascension | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
Into The City | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
Newstand| Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
The Dog Walkers  | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
The Dog Walkers | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
Road Menders | Figurative Work In Progress by John Varriano

The love and Labor

of Creation

Something divine and sublime takes place between American Artist John Varriano and his subjects. Even in the raw stages of development, each painting is ensouled with a unique quality that causes the viewer to transcend their ordinary perception of seeing and knowing. 

Tuesday In The Park | Figurative Work In Progress by John Varriano
Trench Coat  | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
The Professor | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
Menges Family | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
Menges Family | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
Silent Music  | Figurative Oil Painting on Canvas
Watering | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
Eggplants| Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano
The Dog Walkers | Figurative Oil Painting by John Varriano

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